

Photography blog from Vancouver Photographer, Morten Byskov - mfoto.ca. Commercial Photography, Portrait and Travel Photography.



In support of Men's Health I have joined the Movember movement this year. Here are some quick facts about Movember.

From the Movember site: 

The seed of an idea first sprouted over a few beers in Melbourne 2003, when two mates challenged each other to grow a moustache for the duration of November. Recruiting the support of 30 loyal friends, together they experienced a month of inquisitive conversation as a result of their newly acquired facial hair, and the power of the Mo as a conversation starter and awareness raiser was realised. This year, Movember will mark its 11th anniversary.

Mo growth is seen around the globe each November. In 2013, official campaigns will be held in 21 countries across five continents. Starting clean-shaven on November 1st, Mo Bros donate their face by growing and grooming the best moustache they can muster during November. Movember aims to increase awareness and support for men's health by getting conversations started at a grassroots level, educating men about the health risks they face and raising vital funds for support programs.

In Canada funds raised go to our men's health partner Prostate Cancer Canada (PCC) and Movember Foundation programs.


  • Mo | Moustache
  • Mo Bro | Men who grow a moustache for Movember

Donate if you can. Every little bit counts, $1, $2, $5, $10 or more. Follow the link below and support Men's Health.

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