One Day in Rhodes, Greece | Vancouver Photographer, Morten Byskov - Commercial, Portrait and Editorial Photography


Photography blog from Vancouver Photographer, Morten Byskov - Commercial Photography, Portrait and Travel Photography.

One Day in Rhodes, Greece

Diana, travel blogger at 5050 Travelog is exploring in Rhodes Old Town

Exploring the old town of Rhodes in Greece

A Quick Stop in Rhodes

It was time to say goodbye to Symi Island in Greece. Our ferry left at 8 am headed for Rhodes. Our flight to Copenhagen was at 10 pm on the same day.

How to Kill a Few Hours on the Island of Rhodes

A few days earlier we noticed our friend, Alice, from my hometown in Denmark, was headed for Greece. Along with her sisters Joan, Ulla, and mother Malle, they make a trip every year to a warm and sunny destination. This year the choice was La Marquise Luxury Resort Complex on Rhodes.

We wondered if it would be possible to locate them with reasonable time to hang out before our flight. As it happened the resort was located in the northern part of the island and close enough to the airport. We decided to go for it. 

Photos in the post are captured with a Fujifilm X-Pro2, XF 35mm f/1.4 R, and XF 23mm f/1.4 lenses

Artisan shop in old town Rhodes, Greece

Souvenirs in Rhodes

There was no real hurry but our walk through the old part of Rhodes town was somewhat rushed, as we were looking for the bus station at the same time as we took in the attractions of this cozy town. Without any hick-ups, we arrived shortly before noon and were greeted with huge smiles and even bigger hugs.

When Diana came to Denmark back in ‘83 as an exchange student from Canada, she stayed with Malle and Jens. In ‘85 when she returned to Denmark she was a nanny at Alice’s and looked after her two children.

We were spoiled with a splendid lunch, drinks, coffees, treats, snacks, good company, and caught-up conversation at the resort beach and pool. The airport cab picked us up at 7 pm.

Next time we will stay longer in Rhodes.

Travel Photography From Rhodes