

Photography blog from Vancouver Photographer, Morten Byskov - mfoto.ca. Commercial Photography, Portrait and Travel Photography.

One Night in Summerland


It is amazing how much you can explore in 24 hours. Our son was teaching at the Shakespeare Festival in Summerland over the weekend so we decided to drive down from Vernon last week to see him for a few hours before he started at the Festival. We have been to Summerland many times for soccer or for the Shakespeare Festival but have never stayed there. We stayed at an affordable but clean and pleasant motel. Drove down the scenic Matsu Drive. We had amazing coffees and fresh baked croissants and baguette at the wonderful bakery on Main Street. We also spent a few hours in Penticton where lunch is always at hit at the Dream Cafe. The weather has been tropical here for the past week. High twenties to low thirties with sun every day. Mark my word. It's always nice to get away, even if its only for a day.