Vancouver Photographer, Morten Byskov - Commercial, Portrait and Editorial Photography

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Silver Star Mountain Light Up

I hope everyone out there is getting in the mood for the holiday season. Along with our friends Bernie and Sattu, we attended the Silver Star Mountain Christmas Light up on Saturday evening. The temperature gauge in my car read minus 22.5 degrees before we headed out. It didn't actually feel that cold and it was nice to walk around the village seeing many familiar faces. Everyone agreed that Silver Star had outdone themselves with the new tree decorated superbly in the center of the village.

The event was wrapped up with a nice fireworks display. Before anyone out there picks on me for the details in this shot I better admit to the fact that this is a photoshop composite. The village was shot from the north end. The fireworks are three individual frames shot from the south end and later blended in using photoshop. If my key fob for the car hadn't failed I would never have captured the fireworks as we would have left minutes earlier.