

Photography blog from Vancouver Photographer, Morten Byskov - mfoto.ca. Commercial Photography, Portrait and Travel Photography.

Street Photography From the Coronavirus Lockdown in Vancouver

The downtown core of Vancouver during the Corona Virus Lockdown in 2020

Downtown Vancouver during the Covid-19 lockdown

From Travel Bliss to Lockdown

Photo Essay

We have all been affected by the situation. Getting used to a new reality. Temporary we say. One week, one month at a time.

The current situation has fully cemented how incredibly fortunate we are to have traveled as much as we have. We completed our multi-year travel project just days before the lockdown.

On Saturday morning, I grabbed the camera and went for a bike ride around Vancouver. It was one of the most surreal experiences I have had doing street photography. I had an eerie feeling in my stomach and yet also caught myself enjoying a calm and quiet city on the first real day of spring.

The photos in the post are made with a Fujifilm X-Pro2, XF 35mm f/1.4 R, and XF 23mm f/1.4 R lenses. For the black-and-white image conversion, I used the Fujifilm Acros film simulation.